The European Union's political leaders yesterday unveiled a sweeping new energy policy that they hope will spur the rest of the world into fighting global warming and cutting the global addiction to oil and gas imports. 欧盟(EU)政治领袖昨日公布了一项涉及面广泛的新能源政策,希望以此推动全球其它国家共同对抗全球变暖,减少全球对石油和天然气进口的过分依赖。
Thirdly According to macroscopic physical simulation, the subject district the effect that profile control effect, sweeping oil effect and gas up-flowing effect have on ultimate oil displacement efficiency at the aspect of oil recovery efficiency. 再次通过宏观物理模拟,从原油采收率角度来区分泡沫复合驱油过程中调剖作用、洗油作用及气体上浮作用对最终驱油效果的影响。
Particularly, profile control sweeping oil and gas up-flowing effect devotes to oil displacement efficiency during foaming oil displacement and if designs the simulation model of microscopic according to experiments. 特别指出了在泡沫驱油过程中调剖、洗油及气体上浮效应对驱油效果的贡献。并且根据实验的需要设计了微观仿真模型。